
Trip Details

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a few pages" - Marco Polo

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9 days, 8 nights

Unearth the secrets of the Silk Road

In the West, we often group the 'stan' countries together, with Afghanistan being the most known (for all the wrong reasons). Uzbekistan, however, remains largely a mystery despite having played a crucial role throughout history.
For nearly two millennia starting from the 2nd century BC the cities of Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, and Khiva were vital cosmopolitan nodes along the silk road welcoming merchants, nomads, and soldiers alike. Due to their strategic and cultural value, they fell subject to imperial conquests for much of history as the likes of Alexander the Great, the Mongols, the Arabs and both Imperial Russian and the Bolshiviks made their way through the region.
Yet, the spirit of these cities never ceased. The Islamic Golden age of the thirteenth century ushered in breakthroughs in mathematics, medicine and science at the hands of many Uzbek polymaths like Avicenna, Al-Biruni and Al-Khwarizmi and even Marco Polo wrote about the region's diverse and tolerant nature in his memoirs in 1298.
Today, Uzbekistan's stunning architecture, culinary traditions and ethnic mixes are one of the most intriguing melanges of east and west on display in the world today.
When we designed this trip we wanted to curate experiences capable of telling this territory's story in the most honest and experiential way possible and we promise that by the end you;ll have a meaningful understanding of just how deep the connection between east and west truly is and how fundamentally similar we all are. We for one can’t wait to experience it with you.

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9 days, 8 nights

Unearth the secrets of the Silk Road
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Uzbek History Snapshot

We've crafted a concise video overview to give you context on Uzbekistan's rich history and its standing in the world today.

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Guided by Experts

You’ll be accompanied by experts throughout the trip, ensuring each aspect of Uzbekistan's history is connected and contextualised.

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Real Local Encounters

Take the road less traveled and meet locals from all walks of life. Visit villages and discover the true heart of Uzbekistan.

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Unique Food Adventures

Enjoy rich and diverse food experiences. From plov to samsa, you'll indulge in flavours spanning East to West.

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In the West, we often group the 'stan' countries together, with Afghanistan being the most known (for all the wrong reasons). Uzbekistan, however, remains largely a mystery despite having played a crucial role throughout history.
For nearly two millennia starting from the 2nd century BC the cities of Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, and Khiva were vital cosmopolitan nodes along the silk road welcoming merchants, nomads, and soldiers alike. Due to their strategic and cultural value, they fell subject to imperial conquests for much of history as the likes of Alexander the Great, the Mongols, the Arabs and both Imperial Russian and the Bolshiviks made their way through the region.
Yet, the spirit of these cities never ceased. The Islamic Golden age of the thirteenth century ushered in breakthroughs in mathematics, medicine and science at the hands of many Uzbek polymaths like Avicenna, Al-Biruni and Al-Khwarizmi and even Marco Polo wrote about the region's diverse and tolerant nature in his memoirs in 1298.
Today, Uzbekistan's stunning architecture, culinary traditions and ethnic mixes are one of the most intriguing melanges of east and west on display in the world today.
When we designed this trip we wanted to curate experiences capable of telling this territory's story in the most honest and experiential way possible and we promise that by the end you;ll have a meaningful understanding of just how deep the connection between east and west truly is and how fundamentally similar we all are. We for one can’t wait to experience it with you.

Travel Itinerary

Day 1 - Arrive in Tashkent Salom Taskent!

Welcome to Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan! Upon your arrival, one of our representatives will be waiting to pick you up and transfer you to a comfortable four-star hotel. If you arrive in the early morning, you can expect early check-in and access to the breakfast buffet to be situated prior to your arrival.

The morning and early afternoon are free for you to unwind, wander, and rest. The hotel in Tashkent is fully equipped with both a swimming pool and spa, so you can take your first few hours in town to relax and prepare for the week of travel ahead.

At around 18:00, you’ll meet your host and fellow travellers for a welcome dinner and drinks, along with a short introduction to the trip. This gathering for everyone on the trip acquainted and discuss the exciting adventure that lies ahead.

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Day 2 - Tashkent → Samarkand Bazaars and Bullet Trains

On this day, you’ll set out to explore the capital. Your first stop is the Khast Imam Complex, a significant religious site containing one of the oldest Qurans in the world. Next, you’ll visit the bustling Chor-Su Bazaar, a market bursting with energy filled with local treasures. For lunch, you’ll experience a traditional Chaikhana, a traditional place where Uzbek men gather to chat over food and tea. You’ll savour the flavours of authentic Tashkent-style plov served by the kilo accompanied by local bread and salads. Joining us for lunch will be a political science professor ready to discuss Uzbekistan’s role in the world and its place in history. As evening approaches, a transfer will take you to the train station, where you’ll board the bullet train to Samarkand. Travel time is just over two hours and dinner in Samarkand will be at your own arrangement.

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Day 3 - Samarkand Magic Carpet Rides

Samarkand is considered the Rome of the east for its architectural beauty and curious backroads. On this day you’ll visit some of the most significant sites in the Islamic world including the Gur-E Amir Mausoleum and the Registan Ensemble. You’ll conclude the morning at Samarkand’s Grand Bazaar before going for lunch at Samsa Café, a local favourite serving up Samsa, a traditional savoury pastry that’s a staple of daily life. The afternoon tour takes you to the Shahi-Zinda Mausoleum Complex, a fascinating site with mausoleums from the 11th, 15th, and 19th centuries which is widely considered one of the most visually stunning examples of islamic architecture in the world. The day wraps up with a visit to the Ulugbek Observatory, where you’ll learn and reflect on the scientific advancements of the Islamic Golden Age. Dinner will be at your own arrangement, giving you the chance to enjoy Samarkands fantastic nightlife.

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Day 4 - Samarkand → Bukhara Free Day in Bukhara

In the morning, you’ll be transferred to Samarkand Railway Station to board a bullet train bound for Bukhara, the legendary desert oasis where Marco Polo lived for three years. The journey is comfortable and scenic as the tuscan-like countryside that surrounds Samarkand becomes desert. The journey is under two hours and on arrival you’ll be transferred to your hotel in the historic Jewish quarter. Their you’ll stay in the former home of a Jewish silk road merchant, a masterfully renovated relic from the 17th century. The afternoon is yours to explore at your own pace. We can arrange a traditional Hammam experience for you in a 16th-century bathhouse, or you might prefer to wander through the tea houses and open-air markets. Either way the city is yours to get lost in.

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Day 5 - Bukhara The City of Marco Polo

This day begins with a visit to the royal residence of the Emir of Bukhara, known as the Ark Fortress, where you’ll explore the political centre of the Bukharan city state of the 16th-century. Next, you’ll continue to the Taqi trading domes, the Kukeldash Madrassah, and the Magok-i-Attari Mosque. At each site you’ll further explore the link between religion, commerce and culture. For lunch, you’ll enjoy traditional Bukharan-style plov at one of the country’s most iconic restaurants before a visit to a family owned carpet factory. Here you’ll learn about the ancient craft and meet the local artisans as they work. This factory is incredibly unique and makes pieces that are still sold around the world. Some carpets are worth upwards of $300,000 and made entirely by hand over years. For dinner, we’ll gather for a modern interpretation of Uzbek cuisine, live music, and shisha.

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Day 6 - Bukhara → Khiva Epic Road Trip to Khiva

On this day we embark on a fascinating journey through the Kyzyl-Kum desert en route to Khiva. This scenic route, which takes about 6 hours and offers a view into the vast and varied landscapes of Uzbekistan. Along the way, you’ll see scenes of people and places far from the usual tourist attractions. You’ll stop by local rice and cotton fields and meet the families working the land. Here you will gain a unique insight into the region’s agricultural economy and the working conditions in this developing nation. For lunch, you’ll be invited into a local family’s home to enjoy traditional compote and bites before continuing. Before reaching Khiva, we’ll make one more stop to the banks of the Amu Darya River, where Turkmenistan is visible with the naked eye. Here you’ll take a minute to learn about Turkmenistan, a lesser known hermit kingdom on par with North Korea. Upon arrival in Khiva, you’ll check in and settle into your hotel. The evening is free for you to explore at your leisure.

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Day 7 - Khiva The Crown's Jewel

Khiva is a perfectly preserved citadel situated within an immaculate desert oasis. The morning starts at the Kunya-Ark Fortress, from where you’ll enjoy a breathtaking view of the city where our guide sets the stage for the exploration ahead. Because of its small local population and for how well it has been preserved and renovated, Khiva allows you to fully imagine what it was like to travel through this town as a silk road merchant. You’ll visit its famed caravanserai, the merchant hostel of the middle ages, where explorers would stay after months of gruelling travel . You’ll visit religious sites of the Zoorastrian tradition which predate Islam and wander the winding streets that are still bustling with merchants even today. This day promises a deep dive into Khiva’s historical and cultural treasures, making it a memorable highlight of your journey through Uzbekistan.

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Day 8 - Khiva → Tashkent Back to the Capital

Day 8 begins with breakfast before a transfer to Urgench Airport for a morning flight back to Tashkent. In the airport you will be met and transferred to your hotel. This day is free to wander, but culminates in the evening with a special farewell dinner giving you and your tour mates the opportunity to reflect on the journey, celebrating the experiences and memories made throughout your trip.

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Day 9 - Departure from Tashkent Do Svidaniya, Uzbekistan!

After your final breakfast we’ll drop you off at Tashkent International Airport for your morning flight back home. This marks the end of our services, concluding your unforgettable journey through Uzbekistan. As you depart, you’ll carry with you the rich memories and experiences from this vibrant and historic land. Safe travels!

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Moments from this trip

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Reserve with a 10% deposit

Reserve your place with just a fully refundable 10% deposit.

Full refund policy

Full refund for reservations canceled 60 days before the trip.

Financial failure protection

Your payments are insured by ABTOT in accordance with The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018. See our Terms & Conditions for full details.

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Trip Departure Dates

Review the number of travelers, date and total price & deposit

Saturday, 9th November


Deposit amount: $137.50

Future payments: $1,237.50

$2 437.50

$1 375.00

($137.50 payable in deposit)

Book this date

Saturday, 23rd November


Deposit amount: $137.50

Future payments: $1,237.50

$2 437.50

$1 375.00

($137.50 payable in deposit)

Book this date

Key Information

  • Guests must provide proof of travel insurance for their adventure’s duration.
  • Flights are not included in the price.
  • Prices are based on twin room sharing. For a single room preference, please contact our team.
  • Before booking, check the required documents, visas, and vaccinations for your destination and make sure you have enough time to take care of any potential requierments

For assistance of any kind, please contact us.


You have questions? We've got answers!

Which airports should I use for booking flights?
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Arrival: Tashkent International Airport (TSA)
Departure: Tashkent International Airport (TSA)
What time should I arrive for the welcome meeting?
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Aim to arrive before 12 pm on Day 1 to settle in before the evening dinner with the group. However, it depends where you are coming from. Most of our groups come in from either London or Istanbul which both arrive early in the morning.
When should I schedule my departure flight?
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You're free to leave at any time on the last day, as there are no planned activities, That said, if you are flying to London or Istanbul like most of our groups the departure flights will be in the morning.
Are airport transfers provided?
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Airport transfers on Day 1 are included if you arrive on the start date of the tour. For other situations or arrival by different modes of transport, you’ll need to arrange your own transfer. Arrival transfers are grouped by flight times, which may require a short wait.
Can the itinerary change?
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The itinerary is subject to change only due to factors outside of our control like weather or availability. We strive to minimize any impact and will inform you of changes. Occasionally, we update itineraries to keep our tours exciting.
Do I need a visa?
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Tourists from the EU, UK, USA, Australia, or Canada typically don't need a visa. Check with your local consulate/embassy or our website for specific requirements. From 2024, ETIAS travel authorization will be required for visa-exempt travelers to Europe. More Info: https://travel-europe.europa.eu/etias/what-etias_en. Ensure your passport has at least six months of validity and you have a return ticket.